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Taiwanese App Store gets 7-day return policy

Thanks to a new consumer protection law recently passed in Taiwan, Apple has agreed to implement a new 7-day return policy in the App Store in that country. The rest of the world is still waiting though.

Apple has been loudly criticized for its refusal to offer a return policy on apps, forcing consumers to rely almost exclusively on product descriptions and user reviews.

Taiwan has also targeted Google for not conforming to this new law, but so far Google has refused to comply.

The Economic Times of India reports the new Taiwanese law entitles customers to a seven-day trial period after purchasing products over the Internet.

On June 8, the city government ruled Apple and Google are in violation of the consumer protection law, and ordered both companies to akter their policies.

"Google refused to change its rules," Betty Chen, the head of a consumer protection at the city government, said. "Apple changed its rules."

There is no word on whether or not Apple has any intention of expanding this policy to the rest of the world. However, in the past they have staunchly refused to do so.


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