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Sword of the Stars: The Pit expansion due next month

Kerberos has announced MindGames, an expansion to its rogue-like Sword of the Stars: The Pit, due in just under a week.

MindGames is the first expansion the surprising spin-off will receive, and it's due on July 1 via Steam and other digital retailers. It adds a number of new features and a slab of content:

  • Two new playable characters; the Human Psion and the Tarka Ranger – the first playable alien character
  • Ten new floors of ancient, evil science add to the challenge
  • New room types, including wide, multi-level biospheres
  • New traps, new weapons, new items, and new recipes
  • New game mechanics, including 28 Psionic Powers
  • New Psionic enemies to fight, drawn from the Sword of the Stars universe
  • Two new Play Modes; “Infinite Mode” as well as “Seriously? Mode”, for those players that find “Insane Mode” isn’t insane enough
  • Expanded meta-game aspects, including the ability to “bank” XP and spare items from one session and start the next run of the game on a deeper level, using your “banked” equipment.

No price was nominated, but the core game is $10, so less than that, presumably. Here's a couple of screenshots:

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