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Summer of Sonic, Sonic Boom 2012 dates

Sega has confirmed its hedgehog-flavoured fan events will return this year.

According to the Sega Blog, the San Diego Comic Con will once more play host to Sonic Boom, which last year allowed pre-release play sessions of Sonic Generations and a live show by Crush40. This year's event takes place at the House of Blues on July 13, and doesn't require a SDCC badge.

Summer of Sonic is the well-established UK equivalent, and will take place in London on July 7. Now in its fifth year, the community gathering promises fan art competitions, speed run pods, and hands-on sessions with unreleased Sonic games.

Noticing a theme with those hands-on bits? Yes, I think we can safely expect a bit of Sonic 4: Episode Two action at this year's events. The next instalment of the platformer is expected some time in the second half of 2012.

Thanks, Joystiq.

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