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Streets of Rage: shelved remake footage leaks online

Streets of Rage was undergoing the 3D re-make treatment at Scottish developer Ruffian Games. Leaked footage of the cancelled game has been confirmed as real by a member of the Crackdown 2 team, and you can watch it in full below. What do you think?

Spong reports that Ruffian developer Sean Noonan confirmed the clip's validity over Twitter, and said, "So it seems like one of my previous projects has leaked, as pretty as I remember."

Is it pretty? You be the judge:

Now, Streets of Rage 2 is my all-time, hands-down, untouchable-so-far favourite game ever created, and I have to admit that there are rumblings of a good thing going on above, but the 3D perspective - well, I'm not so sure.

Who would you like to see create a follow-up to Streets of Rage? Or maybe it's best left alone? Let us know below.

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