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"Stay away from DRM" - campaign targets Sony

Fearing Sony might implement similar policies concerning used games sales and DRM to those Microsoft is rumored to be using for the Xbox One, fans have kicked off a Twitter campaign to reach out to key PlayStation employees, urging them to steer clear of such policies for the PlayStation 4.

The campaign which took off via a forum post over at NeoGaf has been started to ensure Sony gets to know gamers' opinions regarding restrictive DRM and used game policies and how they don't want such restrictions to be placed upon them when it comes to gaming on Sony's next-gen console: the PlayStation 4.

The campaign which uses the hashtags #PS4NoDRM and #PS4USEDGAMES encourages gamers to post tweets using the tags. It also asks them to send tweets  to some prominent PlayStation employees who might have a say in the decision making policies of the company. It includes:

  • Shuhei Yoshida (president of worldwide studios)
  • John Koller (head of hardware marketing)
  • Guy Longworth (senior vice president PlayStation Brand Marketing)
  • Scott Rohde (PlayStation Software Product Development Head for Sony Worldwide Studios America)

The campaign is gaining momentum on several websites and forum boards including popular social media website Reddit.

It's also interesting to note that Sony is said to be closely monitoring the campaign, with several PlayStation employees responding to the campaign on Twitter. However, none of them has given any indication on what the company's official approach regarding used games sale and DRM might be.

Whatever be the outcome of this campaign, it's interesting to see fans making an effort to let the company know how they feel about certain policies such as always-online DRM and restrictions on used games sale. We'll let you know if Sony issues an official statement regarding this.

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