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StarCraft 2 patch adds spectator-friendly UI features

StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm has been updated, and you can either read through the patch notes; check out our executive summary, or just watch the video through the break.

As well as a pile of re-balancing tweaks and various bug fixes, the patch includes several new features.

The RTS's user interface has been overhauled to be more eSports-friendly, with the Oberver Interface offering Split 1v1 and Streamlined configurations. The first is packed full of pertinent information like player names and resource counts in a prominent top-screen panel, so you can study the action in details, while the second is more broadcast-friendly, with a stripped back resource count panel in the corner. A units lost overlay and more zoom options have been added, too.

For replay fans, new seeking improvements should make it easier to find specific moments.

Finally, a colour-blind option has been added.

For more information, check out the full patch notes on or watch the highlights below.

Watch on YouTube

Thanks, EvilAvatar.

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