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Starbreeze quietly debuts new co-op shooter, Storm

Starbreeze updated its website last week, incidentally announcing a heretofore unrevealed project, Storm.

Storm is listed alongside Payday 2 and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons as currently in development.

"Co-op Sci Fi FPS. It is our future," is the terse description.

A single image shows an industrial-like scene.

Storm may well be to be the long-missing Cold Mercury, which was expected as a free-to-play release following Syndicate's launch in February 2012.

The project was believed cancelled or otherwise significantly altered when the developer's CEO spoke out against free-to-play games.

In the interim, Starbreeze has been fairly quiet. It acquired Payday developer Overkill, and revealed Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons to be the mysterious P13.

Thanks, PlaySyndicate.

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