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Star Wars galaxies players to file suit against SOE

A group of over 50 Star Wars Galaxies players are preparing to file a class-action lawsuit against Sony Online Entertainment, in protection of a petition to keep the game open.

VentureBeat reports the disgruntled players will file the suit in Washington in response to SOE's lock down on petitions to keep the game open.

SOE has reportedly closed down forum threads advertising a petition to keep Star Wars Galaxies open either as is or in a freemium form. One player said he had been identified as a "ring leader" and threatened with both a permanent ban from SOE services and even criminal charges.

The EULA on Star Wars Galaxies is sufficiently broad that the suit may struggle to gain ground; SOE are within their rights to hand down permanent bans for behaviour deemed "inappropriate" or "in violation of the spirit of the game" on its forums, chat servers, and in-game.

Star Wars Galaxies is to be closed in December. The petition to keep it open has gathered over 3,000 signatures.

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