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Square Enix announces Army Corps of Hell for Europe

Square Enix has confirmed it'll release Army Corps of Hell on Vita for Europe.

The game's being developed by Entersphere, with a release here during Vita's launch window early next year.

"Army Corps of Hell is an exciting new title for us, and we’re thrilled to be bringing it to the PlayStation Vita exclusively," said Square brand VP Sarah Hoeksma. "The team at Entersphere is creating a unique experience which will really stand out from the other titles coming to the PlayStation®Vita in the launch window."

Hell's story has you playing as, surprise, the King of Hell. You've been stripped of all your powers, so after nearly being burned to death, he uses the last remaining amount of strength he has left to command an army of goblins to take back his throne.

The game will feature support for Vita' touchpad, enabling you to command your goblin army. Four-player multiplayer via ad-hoc will also be included.

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