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Square announces Tomb Raider Trilogy pack for March release


Square Enix has just announced the Tomb Raider Trilogy pack for PS3 on Blu-ray.

The pack will contain Tomb Raider: Legend, Tomb Raider: Anniversary and the previously released Tomb Raider: Underworld.

It'll release on March 25. It'll also feature a theme pack, a female Lara Croft Home avatar outfit, the viking thrall male Home avatar outfit and "and a collection of “making of” trailers in HD for the entire series."

"We’re really excited to be able to offer gamers the chance to play both Legend and Anniversary ‘remastered in high definition on the PlayStation 3," said Crystal Dynamics boss, Darrell Gallagher.

Underworld is currently also available as a digital download on the PS Store.

Square Enix announced a massive Tomb Raider reboot just before Christmas, featuring a younger Lara Croft. It'll release on PS3, 360 and PC, although there's been no date for that yet.

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