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Sony's NGP 2011 US launch "reconfirmed"

US investment company Lazard Capital Markets has published a report claiming a 2011 US NGP launch was confirmed by Sony at a recent analyst day. UK and European launch details remain unconfirmed.

MCV has reported that representatives of Lazard Capital attended the analyst day held by SCEA, where the 2011 US launch date was 'reconfirmed,' but that Sony was less clear on the UK and European date.

Said the research firm: "A 2011 launch for NGP was reconfirmed, although we expect pricing will be unveiled around the E3 conference. We remain somewhat concerned that an initially high price point could limit the market opportunity for NGP, since Sony continues to balance profitability goals with unit sales."

The report also revealed that PSN has 75 million registered accounts worldwide, and that 1.4 billion pieces of content have been downloaded since launch.

Previous speculation has suggested a November 11 European launch for NGP, though E3 will likely yield more details.

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