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Yoshida doesn't understand why some gamers only want triple-A

Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida feels variety in the video game industry is paramount, and finds it difficult to understand how some consumers are only interested in triple-A titles.


Speaking with GI International after winning the Award of Honour at Barcelona's Gamelab conference, Yoshida said while he worries at bit regarding consumer reaction to games which aren't shooters - like LittleBigPlanet 3 - what's "important is the variety" being offered in the market.

"We are concerned a little bit when we work on a game like LittleBigPlanet 3, because people want those big-budget, realistic, military shooters," he said. "I was very happy to get a very positive reaction when we announced LittleBigPlanet 3. But there were lots of cheers, a lot of affection.

"And the reaction to Nintendo's games in general, or a game like Splatoon. If you look at the whole industry, and you consider Nintendo, I think the balance is actually better than past years."

Yoshida feels the balance between triple-A and great indie games is important, especially original indie concepts such as Resogun whcih was offered free to PlayStation Plus members "for a long time."

"Not every PS Plus member downloaded it, and that's a great, great game. That's a key question for us," he said. "I hear complaints [about the lack of AAA games]. I do realize that some people are only interested in big-budget AAA games. I don't really understand those people. I don't know if they've tried some of the indie games and decided they're not interested.

"Maybe they haven't even tried. That's a key question. Almost every week you see an indie game coming out digitally on PS4. Some of them are really, really interesting, beautiful games.

"We're fortunate that they're creating games on PS4, and some of them are choosing to launch their console versions on PlayStation first."

While Sony may have focused more on indies during E3 2013, last month there were plenty of triple-A titles on stage: Assassin's Creed: Unity, Bloodborne, Destiny, Far Cry 4, GTA 5, MGS5: The Phantom Pain, The Division, The Order: 1886, and Uncharted 4 among others. So, the firm has not forgotten to support triple-A even if only two on that list are from Sony studios.

No Man's Sky, the ambitious sandbox title from Hello Games, was one of the main indie games on display at the show. Other indies revealed were Let it Die, Magicka 2, Abzû and the lovely Entwined.

Hopefully, those who prefer triple-A can find some indie title on a Sony platform to try and like. There really are some gems available, and if you have a PS Plus sub, it doesn't hurt to download a free indie. Do it while you slumber and give it a go sometime during the week when your buddies are too busy to play an online shooter with you.

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