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Sony unveils prototype 3D headset


Sony's CES 2011 press conference was light on new product reveals, but the Japanese giant did take the lid off an astonishing prototype: a personal 3D display headset.

Executive deputy president Hiroshi Yoshioka introduced the device, worn like a visor over the eyes, with closed-style earphones attached.

The headset contains two displays, one for each eye, avoiding mixed signals. No specifications were revealed, but the headset was described as having top notch visuals and "powerful" sound.

While not labelling the device as a gaming-specific display, Yoshioka, a self-described "big gamer", enthused on the device, citing the experience of playing Gran Turismo 5 in a private 3D realm.

"Nobody - not even my wife - interrupt(ed) me, so I could get the highest score," he explained.

Sony gave no word on possible future availability or price, and the device was said to be "in the labs".

This is not the first 3D headset the gaming world has ever seen; Nintendo's 1995 Virtual Boy offered a similar (if primitive) experience using parallax effects.

Photo via Engadget.

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