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Sony: Only one NPG model will support 3G


SCE Europe's Andrew House has crushed our hopes by admitting that not all NPG models will feature 3G connectivity, and that Sony has not yet established 3G partnerships.

House told Eurogamer that several versions of the new handheld will release in late 2011 and while all will have WiFi, only one will support 3G.

Multiple versions of the NGP will launch from late 2011, each with Wi-Fi capability. Only one, however, will also feature 3G.

"A separate SKU will have 3G," House confirmed.

"So the user gets a choice. Wi-Fi is available wherever, which clearly is the most important aspect of connectivity and that connected experience; 3G will be a subset of that."

Promising more details closer to launch, House said Sony is "working hard" on 3G partnerships, and that like Apple's iPad, the user will have to bear the cost of a 3G subscription.

Thanks, D'Toid.

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