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Sony: NGP still on track for 2011, full PSN restoration still planned for end of May

Sony has said NGP is still on track for release this year in case you had any doubts.

During its earnings briefing today, the firm said it was "progressing with preparations towards a release at the end of the year."

Sony has always said its next handheld would be released by the end of 2011, but have yet to mention just where it will be released first, and whether all regions will get it this year or not.

Hopefully we'll know more once E3 is done and dusted.

Also of note, during its financial briefing the firm confirmed once again that it plans on a full restoration of PSN services by the end of the month. However, should it miss the planned target it will only be by a few days.

Thanks: Andriasang, Phile-web.

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