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Sony dev boss: "We always strive to be the risk-taker"

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Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida has told VG247 that taking risks is part of Sony's strategy for getting good results from its PlayStation business.

"Absolutely," said the exec when asked is he liked taking risks, specifically in relation to first-party games such as LittleBigPlanet and Heavy Rain.

"People who take risks regularly get the best results. We always strive to be the risk-taker, because we are priding ourselves to be the leader of the industry from the platform standpoint, so we have to show by example: this is what we can with the new hardware, this is what we can do with some way of thinking."

Yoshida said that Sony is able to push creative limits partly thanks to not having to pander to the needs of the City.

"My organisation has the benefit of [being an independent company], [and not one] that must always [satisfy] shareholders every quarter," he said.

"We don't have to have investors meetings. We can purely focus on creating something unique and interesting."

Ready for all those risky PS3 games from TGS, then?

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