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Sony confirms PS4 game sharing & re-selling after software usage concerns

Sony has re-iterated that PS4 owners will be able to share and re-sell their physical games as they see fit, following concerns over the company's recently-updated software usage terms.

We reported on the updated PS4 terms & conditions document yesterday. You can see it through the link.

One line in the UK edition raised concern. It stated that software you buy is,”licensed, not sold,” and added, “which means you acquire rights to use the Software, as described in these Terms, but you do not acquire ownership of the Software. If you do not comply with these Terms, we can terminate your Software Licence which means you will no longer have the right to use the Software.”

Eurogamer adds that the Sony Entertainment Network clauses were also updated. Clause 7 reads, "You must not resell either Disc-based Software or Software Downloads, unless expressly authorised by us and, if the publisher is another company, additionally by the publisher."

However, a Sony rep has told the site, "As SCE [Sony Computer Entertainment] announced at E3, consumers will be able to sell or share their PS4 disc products."

Meanwhile, Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida had this to say on Twitter:

The ability to share PS4 games freely was considered another bow in Sony's sling against Microsoft at E3 2013. The confirmation above should put many fears to bed.

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