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Update: Sony apologises for Vita launch day problems

Update: Sony has now said that is has not apologised for any Vita technical problems and has denied there are any widespread issues with the machine.

A software update and accompanying apology have gone some way to soothing anger over issues plaguing the Vita's Japanese launch.

Engadget reports the system had only been on sale for a few hours before users reported issues with freezing, lag and crashing. Below you'll find a video demonstrating one of the errors.

Sony was quick to respond with an apologetic statement and a new firmware update, but this does not seem to have completely satisfied users. According to GameInformer, users have hit a strange blip requiring the set up of a dummy PSN ID so they can download the title update and initialise the system. A video demonstrating this problem is also embedded below.

The Vita arrived in Japan on the weekend and while early adopters reportedly failed to run through the initial shipment, they did eat up available memory card stock.

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