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Amnesia dev's new project SOMA now in beta

SOMA is nearly here and I am torn between excitement and horrified dread.


SOMA is the latest horror project from Frictional, the team behind Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

We're pretty excited to see what Frictional comes up with next, and we won't have too long to wait, apparently; the developer has announced that SOMA is now in beta.

"This is a huge thing for us and easily the biggest milestone prior to the actual release of the game," studio co-lead Thomas Grip said on his blog.

"We now have a build of SOMA that contains all of our desired features. There are still a few bits of art, a few sounds etc. missing, but the game is pretty much complete content-wise."

The latest build is now out for testing in preparation for deciding what to prioritise as Fricitional labours on towards the full release. Fricitional has conducted multiple tests already, and does not expect to make any major overhauls to the project now.

"What's left is to make sure that what's there is as good as it possibly can be. Adding effects, improving the art, ensuring stability, making it more intuitive and so on," Grip said.

Once it has gathered beta feedback, Fricitional will be better positioned to give an idea of release window.

"The time when SOMA is finally out is really close now, though, and we'll let you all know a date in the near future," Grip promised.

SOMA is coming to PS4 in addition to Linux, Mac and PC; I do believe it will be the team's first console game.

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