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SNK demands 'termination' of Neo Geo X production

SNK Playmore has terminated its license with Tommo Inc, distributor and manufacturer of the ill fated handheld NeoGeo X. Effective October 2, SNK's demands demands include the immediate sales cessation of the NeoGeo X Gold, all six game packs and the SNK branded arcade stick Tommo produced.

The NeoGeo X only went on sale last december, however low sales have likely prompted this licence termination. In the announcement, SNK specifically its intellectual property rights over "NEOGEO" and "SNK", promising to take "decisive action" should its demands not be met. The system ceased production earlier this year in Japan due to poor sales.

If you like the idea of picking one of these things up, Amazon and Gamestop still seem to be selling them.

Thanks, Polygon.

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