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Snake Pass, Sumo Digital's first original title, is due March 29

Sumo Digital, the studio behind OutRun 2, Sonic & Sega All-Star Racing, LittleBigPlanet 3, and various console ports, are releasing their first ever all-original title next month: Snake Pass.

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Snake Pass puts you in control of Noodle, a cuter-than-usual snake who can slither and wrap his way around environments. It looks like the sort of 3D puzzle platformer that we don't see a whole lot of these days.

The trailer above (from November) doesn't show off any enemies or combat, which may mean that there isn't any...which would be a refreshing change for this sort of game. In any case, it's cool to see Sumo Digital trying something new.

Snake Pass will be available on Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and PC on March 29. Interesting side-note: according to Sumo Digital, the game only took a week to get up and running on Switch.

Snake Pass will be a digital only release.

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