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Sega Mega Drive/Genesis book funded on Kickstarter, new interviews and expanded page count detailed

Sega Mega Drive/Genesis: Collected Works has been successfully funded on Kickstarter with four days spare. As a result of the extra funding, creators Darren Wall and Read-Only Memory have announced new interviews, artwork and an expanded page-count.

It follows the reveal of previously unseen artwork from Comix Zone, Vectorman, Eternal Champions and Toejam & Earl. Hit the link to see them.

At the time of writing, the Kickstarter campaign has amassed £78,649 of the book's initial £30,000 goal. In a press release issued today, Read-Only Memory confirmed new additions to the tome.

They include interviews with former Sega president Hayao Nakayama, former Sega of America CEO Tom Kalinske, Toejam & Early developer Greg Johnson, Peter Morawiec of Comix Zone, Vectorman developer Rich Karpp, and Michael Latham from the Eternal Champions team.

New artwork from all of the games mentioned above will appear in the book's expanded 340-page offering, along with boss designs and attack pattern plans for Wonder Boy III, and Vectorman 2 art.

I'm interviewing Darren Wall next week, and as a rampant Mega Drive fanboy, I'll be asking some pretty deep questions about the machine. If you're a Sega fan, you won't want to miss it. Stay tuned.

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