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Rumour - Wii U online service to be provided by EA

Get out the old salt shaker. The latest on dit is that EA is pushing to make Origin the Wii U's sole digital delivery platform.

WiiUGo cites an anonymous EA intern, who in turn claims to have the information from a network engineer.

Nintendo has made several public references to its consultation with developers and publishers in its attempt to provide a real digital platform this time around, and the source claims the big N is looking for "an opportunity to rebuild relationships with Western gamers because they feel that only a massive western company such as EA understands what is needed to make an online service attractive to western gamers."

The rumour also suggests Valve is getting in on the act with its own bid, but EA is "aggressively persuading Nintendo to go Origins exclusive with Wii U’s online so they can gain a competitive advantage over Steam".

Neither Nintendo nor EA comment on rumour and speculation. The Wii U is to be fully revealed in its final form at E3 2012, with a launch expected in northern summer.

Thanks, Gamefront.

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