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Rumor: Hulu also coming to PS3


A few weeks ago, the rumor mill was abuzz with word that popular streaming television service Hulu was gearing up to make the jump over to Microsoft's Xbox 360. Now, it's whirred to life again - this time suggesting Hulu's in talks with Sony as well.

Perhaps Microsoft has a one-month exclusivity deal on rumors now?

Apparently, it's only a few drops of cement away from being set in stone, too. Bloomberg reports the partnership could be announced as soon as next week.

From the sound of things, Hulu's PS3 deal may end up resembling its rumored expansion into Xbox territory - subscription fee and all.

As is typical with these sorts of things, Sony and Hulu refused to comment. Which, in all likelihood, is exec speak for, "Oh yeah, it's definitely happening, but we haven't decided which type font to use on the press release yet."

So yeah. Next week, then.

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