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Retronauts Toots on the Ocarina of Time

This week, USgamer's classic gaming podcast explores Link's 1998 leap into the world of 3D gaming.

This article first appeared on USgamer, a partner publication of VG247. Some content, such as this article, has been migrated to VG247 for posterity after USgamer's closure - but it has not been edited or further vetted by the VG247 team.

So, there's this weird, obscure little Nintendo game from 1998 called "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time"—you ever heard of it?

I kid, I kid. Even if you dislike it, there's no denying that Ocarina had just as much influence on the design of 3D games as the original Zelda had on the design of 2D games. Though Nintendo had some practice with 1996's Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time stands as another example of their amazing developers wading into uncharted territory and absolutely knocking it out of the park on their first try. (Apologies for the mixed metaphors.)

In case you didn't notice, we Retronauts kinda like Nintendo a bit, and in the past year, we've been exploring those classics whose greatness is usually taken for granted—Super Mario Bros., A Link to the Past, Super Mario 64, and so on. And this episode follows that same tack: Ocarina of Time has earned the status of "classic" over the past 18 years, but has it aged as well as its 2D brethren? On this episode of Retronauts, we search for the truth.

Joining us on this one is Henry Gilbert, who hosts the comic book podcast Cape Crisis on the Laser Time Network. As always, you can keep up with the latest Retronauts news via our Twitter and Facebook accounts, and check out some of our video content over on our YouTube page. And, in case you forgot, Retronauts is fully funded by our Patreon campaign, so if you can afford to donate even a dollar a month, please consider it! Every little bit really helps our cause.

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