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Respawn founder left over Infinity Ward lawsuit revelations - rumour

New whispers have sprung up regarding Jason West's departure from Respawn Entertainment, suggesting a rift between the former Infinity Ward leader and his long-time colleagues Vince Zampella.

According to anonymous sources speaking with Vanity Fair, certain details of West's behaviour revealed during the pair's lawsuit against Activision proved were news to Zampella.

“Vince felt that Jason was sabotaging the company,” the source said of the incidents.

West is said to have stopped coming into the office shortly thereafter. After leaving the company, he moved across the United States.

The full Variety piece linked above is well worth a read, if only because it paints the whole Infinity Ward and Activision drama in a slightly more balanced light than usual, with West and Zampella coming off not quite as heroic as they are often perceived to be.

Respawn's first game for EA, Titanfall, was shown at E3 and is looking pretty good. Pat's all over it.

Thanks, Superannuation.

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