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Quick quotes: "We need to ensure we have a strong lineup of games" for future Nintendo launches, says Reggie

"The launch of the 3DS was very interesting: the portable earned great impressions at E3 2010, had excellent pre-order sales, and sold more than any portable system in its first week. So, we had many successes with the 3DS. But in terms of lessons learned, we need to ensure that we have a strong lineup of games when we release hardware – especially titles from Nintendo. And, looking back, we may not have offered the best lineup of games that we could have brought to the 3DS. It is also important that the digital resources of the hardware are available right away. With 3DS, this came later." - NoA boss Reggie Fils-Aime, speaking in an interview for Brazilian media, on the lessons its learn from the launch of 3DS.

Thanks, GoNintendo.

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