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PS4 support added to Enlighten, new tech demo looks great - part 2 out now

Geomerics has announced PlayStation 4 support for its next-gen lighting engine, Enlighten. Check out a spectacular tech demo through the break.

Enlighten claims to be the world's first real-time global illumination technology, and is used in Battlefield 3, Need for Speed: The Run, EVE Online, Medal of Honor: Warfighter and Dragon Age 3. The tech is said to allow for the addition of "cinematographic film practices to dynamic immersive worlds", and PlayStation 4 is its first supported next-gen platform.

“We are delighted to be working on PlayStation 4. The hardware is everything we were hoping for in a next generation console, and a huge step forward from the current generation," Geomerics founder Chris Doran said.

"Real-time global illumination was a big deal for games running on the current generation of hardware, but it required developers to make some compromises. With PlayStation 4, those days are behind us. We can finally unleash the full power of Enlighten, and allow game developers working on PlayStation 4 games to bring far deeper levels of dynamism and quality to game lighting. We cannot wait to see what developers produce with Enlighten.”

Interestingly, sales vice president Rob Precious said that developer interest in the PlayStation 4 has been "huge".

Enlighten is just one of a number of middle-ware suites which have announced PS4 support; Develop reports Morpheme 4, xaitControl, PhysX, Apex, SpeedTree, Substance, Havok, FaceFX and Bitsquid are all on board, in addition to the one engine to real them all, Unreal 4.

Expect many, if not all, of these companies to support Durango when Microsoft finally reveals its worst-kept secret.

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Part two of the video demo has dropped. Here it is:

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Thanks, EdNorton.

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