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PS4 gets bizarre 'Hadouken Cabs' viral teaser, watch it here

Sony appears to have sent us a bizarre email regarding a new taxi company called 'Hadouken Cabs.' It contains a video that is full of PlayStation 4 references. Could a big reveal of some kind be on the way? Watch it here.

The email reads, "Don’t just call a cab! Call Hadouken Cabs! Hadouken Cabs. Knocking the competition out since 1987."

It also comes with the PS4 hastag #4theplayers.

We were completely puzzled by this trailer to start with. I thought it was spam until I started to notice little easter eggs in the clip.

Note the cab's license plate:

There's also a URL seen here:

It leads you to the Hadouken Cabs website where you can speak with an operator. Listen to it. It's hilarious.

Then there's a subliminal blip of the PS4 DualShock 4 controller:

Finally, here's the PS4 face buttons:

What does it all mean? Let us know if you spot anything else.

Meanwhile, here's the Killzone: Shadow Fall PS4 trophy list.

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