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PS3 Slim "prices expected to start at around £260"


The Telegraph's rumouring that PS3 Slim is to release in two forms, 40GB an 80GB SKUs, at prices starting from £260.

It's now widely believed that the Slim will be announced on August 18 at SCEE's GameCom press conference.

That report reckons Slim's going to be the cheaper PS3 option, although incessant trade chatter reckons it's the old "brick" SKU that's going to see the big drop - £199 or bust, Mr Sony.

Sony's ramping up production to meet increased demand later this year, says that piece, and "has ordered enough parts to make one million consoles in the third quarter of this year, twice as many as in the last three months."

We're almost sick with excitement for Cologne. There'll be bombs everywhere.

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