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PS Vita 3G price-cut across Sony US stores by $100, could be discontinued - rumour

Sony's US stores have slashed the price of PS Vita 3G editions across America, a new report suggests. Employees at two stores have said that the model is being discontinued by Sony.

Joystiq reports that the stores are pricing PS Vita 3G models at $199.97 from 299.99. The bundle comes with an 8GB memory card, and a code for a free PSN game if you also sign up to a 3G contract in-store.

The site has posted an image of the deal in a Sony US store, and has called round as many Sony stores in America as it can. It found that the majority of shops were running the deal.

Interestingly, store employees at Sony's New Jersey and Las Vegas branches told Joystiq that the company was discontinuing the 3G model, which could explain the hefty discount. We'll keep out ears to the ground for an official line on this one though.

Meanwhile, Sony has seen a massive sales boost ater it cut the price of PS Vita in Japan. Get the figures here:

Vita sales quadruple following Japanese price cut.

What do you make of the above? Does Sony need to cut the price of PS Vita in the West? Let us know below.

Thanks MCV.

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