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Porn site urges Xbox 360 gamers to visit via Internet Explorer, Microsoft responds

Xbox 360 is getting Internet Explorer soon, and adult site YouPorn has jumped in quick, urging gamers to check out its 'wares' via the console's browser. Microsoft has responded to the site's statement with a warning to parents.

YouPorn's statement reads, "Gamers and free porn lovers around the world rejoice! Thanks at long last to the introduction of Internet Explorer for Xbox, you can now tap in to and stream all your favourite free YouPorn videos right from your Xbox."

"Whether you're pwning n00bs in CoD: Modern Warfare 3, annihilating Bullymong in Borderlands 2, or taking the Saints deep in Madden NFL 13, you're never more than a few simple controller clicks away from being face deep in hot free porn." reported on the statement and added that it is slightly misleading. You cant access the site's content direct via Xbox 360 by way of a web app or any quick method. You have to use Internet Explorer and visit the site itself.

Either way it's a shameless plug, and Microsoft isn't best pleased. The company responded with a statement of its own, "To be clear, we are adding Internet Explorer to Xbox Live, not specific adult content providers like YouPorn or any other specific website content."

"Additionally, we give members and parents the option to turn this feature on or off for their accounts. Access to Internet Explorer for all Child accounts is blocked by default."

Over to you then. What do you make of the site's plug and the issue of adult content on consoles? Let us know below.

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