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PlayStation 3 Remote Play demoed at Vita TGS presser

At Sony's Tokyo Game Show 2011 Vita spectacular, Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida demonstrated Vita's improved remote play function - playing the PlayStation 3 version of Killzone 3 directly from the new handheld.

The game was running on a PlayStation 3 with visuals streamed to the Vita; a camera over Yoshida's shoulder showed the game in almost seamless action, interrupted by one instance of slow down.

PS3 Remote Play will allow Vita users to access their PlayStation 3 games directly from the handheld, wether via direct WiFi connection or over the Internet - you'll be able to keep playing wherever you are.

Yoshida said the technology is still in development, so don't expect this to work at launch - or with all games. The executive said Sony is keen to extend the tech to other developers in the near future.

Although PS Vita lacks a number of the DualShock's buttons, Yoshida used the rear touchpad to access controls traditionally assigned to the lower shoulder buttons and under-stick keys.

The four corner areas of the read touch pad corresponded to each of these controls on the logical manner - L2 and R2 in the upper half, L3 and R3 in the bottom. Yoshida demonstrated running, using the iron sights, and grenades, quickly and smoothly.

The Japanese digital TV app Torne was also demonstrated as an example of remote play similar to that of the PSP.

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