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Phil Spencer really wants you to ignore that massive Xbox leak

Phil Spencer had a predictable response to the Xbox leaks.

The Xbox logo.
Image credit: VG247/Xbox

From plans about the future of Xbox hardware, development timelines for many big franchises, to acquisition strategies on a corporate level - the last few days have been especially leaky for Microsoft.

As part of the company's legal battle with the FTC, material uploaded to the court's website found their way online, revealing the kind of confidential information that never leaves company servers. But, here we are.

Xbox boss, Phil Spencer, obviously had to react to the leaks, though his reaction is fairly predictable given his position. The long-time executive said what everyone pretty much assumed, that a lot of these plans are out of date.

"We've seen the conversation around old emails and documents," Spencer wrote on Twitter.

"It is hard to see our team's work shared in this way because so much has changed and there's so much to be excited about right now, and in the future. We will share the real plans when we are ready."

Needless to say, the calibre of this leak is fairly unusual for a major corporation, especially considering how secretive the games industry is. It got to the point that the FTC issued an official statement denying responsibility for the leak.

The cat is out of the bag, however, so any future announcements that Microsoft makes will all be traced back to those documents, to see what changed and what remained the same.

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