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Phil Harrison details ID@Xbox, hopes all Xbox Ones will be dev kits eventually

During his Eurogamer Expo talk Microsoft Corporate Vice President Phil Harrison offered some new details about the ID@Xbox program, setting out Microsoft's aims to help indies develop games for Xbox One. The general goal is to offer as many resources to indies as possible to make their games for the console and to gain an audience on the platform.

The aims include a streamlined certification process to get games onto Xbox One as quickly as possible. Harrison also spoke about development kits, stating that the ultimate aim is to make all Xbox One consoles into dev kits, as has previously been talked about. This won't be the case immediately, so in the mean time he said Microsoft will be doing everything they can to provide dev kits to indie developers.

Microsoft also aims to provide more tools and resources to indies to make their games, and he brought indie developer duo D La La onstage to talk about their positive experiences of working with Microsoft. Once a game has been made, Harrison pointed to the newly built Marketplace which features recommendations and trending to make sure that indie games get significant exposure, giving them the best chances of success.

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