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People Can Fly veterans form new studio called The Astronauts

People Can Fly veterans have formed a new studio in which the team will develop new games using Epic's Unreal Engine technology.

The Astronauts was founded by Adrian Chmielarz, Andrzej Poznanski and Michal Kosieradzki.

The team will develop multiple games, and the debut title from the firm is due for release in 2013. IT is being built with Unreal Engine 3.

“We’ve worked with UE3 for the last six years, and we know its power,” said co-founder Chmielarz. “Choosing Unreal Engine technology for our future was the textbook definition of a no-brainer. We are on a quest to map uncharted waters, and Epic’s tech provides the stability required for success.”

“We’re truly impressed with what high-quality games small, independent teams are creating using the Unreal Engine,” said Mike Gamble, European territory manager of Epic. “The best is yet to come, and there’s a good chance that The Astronauts will be one of those teams that makes us say ‘Wow.’”

The Astronauts aim to "create high-quality game experiences focused on imaginative visuals and rich story-telling," and games the team have developed over the years together include Painkiller and Bulletstorm.

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