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PayDay 2 gets free and premium Point Break tie-in DLC

PayDay 2 players can grab a free new character and optionally buy into a couple of new heists this week.


Remember how PayDay 2 got John Wick DLC, and now Starbreeze is working on a John Wick VR game? Well, the Lionsgate love doesn't stop there, and Overkill has produced a couple of conent drops to promote the Point Break remake, which opens in cinemas on December 25.

The first add-on is a free Bohdi Character Pack, while the second is a $7 premium affair with two new heists called Beneath the Mountain and Birth of Sky. More details can be found below the trailer, with further information to come via the DLC's website over the next two days.

"Point Break has always been a huge inspiration for the PayDay games, so to be able to integrate the film's characters and storylines into PayDay 2 is a dream come true," Starbreeze CEO Bo Andersson-Klint said.

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    Bodhi Character Pack DLC - free
  • Bodhi - a new playable character
  • A new sniper rifle primary weapon
  • A new melee weapon
  • A new perk deck featuring nine perks
  • Two new masks
    Point Break DLC - $7
  • Two new heists - Beneath the Mountain & Birth of Sky
  • Ten new achievements - five for each heist
  • A new pistol secondary weapon
  • Four melee weapons
  • Six new songs added: two all-new heist themes composed Simon Viklund, and four menu themes from the Point Break soundtrack
  • New contact - Locke
  • Four masks

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