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USPTO patent points to DVR function in next Xbox

A recently-granted Microsoft patent has suggested that the next Xbox could include DVR functionality.

The patent, granted on December 27 by USPTO, makes note that a DVR application along with a "television client component allows users to record media content on the gaming console."

It goes on to add: "The DVR application also integrates itself with the console menu. Once integrated, users can record media content while playing games. Alternatively, users can record content when the gaming console is turned off. The recorded content can include television programming, gaming experience (whether local or online), music, DVDs, and so on.

"When in the recording state, users can also switch between various other media modes, whether gaming, television, and so on."

Currently, Xbox 360 only provides catch-up services, such as 4oD and Demand 5, and some live TV channels, such as Sky in the UK.

Speculation on the next-gen Xbox has grown in recent months, with one report near the end of last year suggesting that Microsoft is set to talk about it at CES in Las Vegas next week.

Even if the console does get unveiled at some point this year, new hardware from MS isn't expected until 2013 at the earliest.

Thanks, Kotaku.

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