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Paragon Early Access players can start using GRIM.exe next week

A new hero has joined the Paragon ranks.

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Paragon Early Access players can start using GRIM.exe next week

The fella's an imp named GRIM.exe who controls a sentry combat robot which makes use of ranged attacks.

This robot comes equipped with a pulse cannon which provides a passive damage bonus every eight seconds. The imp can also slow enemies, and knock them back using a Gyro Targeted Force Orb which homes-in on targets.

GRIM.exe is one of the five Hero Master Challenges included with the Paragon: Essentials Edition, which hits retail on June 7.

All Heroes in Paragon are free and those in Early Access can start using GRIM.exe on Tuesday, May 10.

And don't forget, the second open beta kicks off today on PC and PS4 and will run until Sunday, May 8.

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