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Onimusha: Ninja Theory debunks next-gen reboot rumours

Onimusha chatter has been given the bolt gun treatment by Ninja Theory. The studio has denied that it is working on a reboot of Capcom's sword-slinging series.

It follows claims that a Western third-party studio was working on a return to the Onimusha series. Lost Planet 3 developer Spark Unlimited was in the frame first, and when that turned out to be untrue, rumours of a next-gen project by Ninja Theory began.

The studio has taken to Twitter to put the rumours to bed, along with the message, "We are not working on an Onimusha game. Any rumours surrounding this are untrue."

Bam. But that doesn't mean it won't ever happen. The series has been gone for a while, and it's not like Capcom to leave its franchises to quietly die. Even the long-missing Mega Man has been promised a reprisal at some point.

What would you like to see from a new Onimusha game - should it happen? Let us know below.

Thanks OXM.

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