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Oculus Rift user creates mod that allows for free-form FPS gun movement

Oculus Rift is a liberating device in that it swaps right stick or mouse-based camera control for your actual head movements. However; it's a little bit incompatible with FPS games, which always have the character's gun placed in the same position. Rift user Chris Gallizzi seems to have solved the problem with his new gun mod.

Gallizzi posted the video on his YouTube channel. He's calling the mod Alpha Gun, and it's being developed with Hyperkin to allow gun movement that's independent of your head, allowing users to aim where they point the device.

Ge's since had feedback on the mod from Oculus co-creator Palmer Lucky, and as you can see he's been testing the mod out in public. It syncs to devices via BlueTooth and features rumble motors for kickback.

What do you think?

Via Kotaku.

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