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Nintendo Direct Europe narrows release of key 2013 titles

Nintendo Direct Europe is playing now and it's going so fast my fingers are nearly worn down to bloody stumps. But there's good news too, as Nintendo has narrowed release windows and issued dates for a selection of its Wii U launch window titles, and 3DS launches - including Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, Castlevania: Mirror of Fate and more.

Pikmin 3 was the biggest draw of the broadcast, which had a narrow release window of 'Q2 2013' slapped on it. Not entirely helpful, but it's better than nothing.

Nintendo called 2013 "the year of Luigi" during the broadcast, and narrowed the European release window of ghost-sucking adventure Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon down to March. Also releasing in March is Castlevania Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate.

The brilliantly titled Dr. Kawashima's Devilish Training will launch March 8th, while Pokemon developer Game Freak's nifty-looking Rhythm Hunter Harmo Knight will release on 3DS eShop at some point in March.

Wii U eShop will receive a bespoke edition of Planets Vs Zombies in Europe this month that allows for TV or GamePad play. PopCap's game wasn't priced however.

RPG nuts can also get their fill in April 2013 as Fire Emblem Awkaneing launches on Nintendo 3DS.

Finally, as a special treat, Nintendo pulled an Apple and revealed that its Game Boy Colour classic Wario Land 3 is out now on 3DS eShop right now. As in, now-now.

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