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Ninja Theory hiring for new AAA game, Unreal Engine 4 suggested

Ninja Theory is on a hiring spree for what appears to be a new triple-a console title that encompasses shooting, melee combat and stealth running on Unreal Engine 4.

The studio tweeted the above message on July 3, and has been followed by a string of job ads, each calling for experience in the triple-a market. Swallow some salt and treat the below as rumour until we know more about this unannounced project.

This senior designer job descriptor calls on someone with, "Experience working on a product featuring shooting, melee combat or stealth mechanics," and, "Knowledge of the game design development process gained from working on multiple shipped titles, ideally of a recognised AAA standard."

It also asks for someone with, "Practical experience with 3D game editing tools (e.g. Unreal, CryENGINE, Unity)." Desirable experience for the role include, "Experience with Unreal or Unity," and "Rudimentary animation skills (Matinee for UE3/UE4 or equivalent)," which suggests the game could run on the latest version of Epic's engine.

This technical director role excepts someone who can demonstrate, "Innovation and understanding of entire game quality to a AAA standard in all disciplines," and who can be, "Responsible for technical quality of AAA game and delivering on time the project in question."

Suggesting the titles is in development for consoles, the advert calls on applicants who have, "Working experience with one or more consoles within the last five years e.g. PS3, Xbox 360," and whose, "Experience must include at least one AAA project at Technical Director level."

Finally, this lead character artist role asks for someone who has, "Experience with UDK," and who has, "At least one AAA game released."

We're stumped as to what this can be, although your first guess could be a Devil May Cry sequel, we're not so sure. Let us know what you think below.

Thanks AGB.

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