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Nielsen says Wii has fewest percentage of active users


Nielsen Games has released new data regarding game usage in the US and the report states that Wii has the fewest number of active users compared to the other consoles.

Usage of the console even trailed behind the GameCube.

According to the research, despite the recent decline in game sales, more people played games in June compared to June 2008 with total usage up 21 percent. Data suggests the average console user played 768 minutes.

Xbox 360 was played on the most, followed by PS3, Original Xbox, PS2, GameCube and then Wii. However, data usage also shows that Wii has double the number of female players on Xbox 360, and more than Xbox 360 and PS3 combined.

Console usage as a whole showed that 50 percent of user minutes accounted for current gen consoles , with 31 percent of minutes spent on PS2, GameCube, and Xbox and 19 percent of gaming time spent on PS One, Atari 2600, Nintendo 64, Sega Genesis, etc.

IndustryGamers has the Nielsen charts posted, go have a look.

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