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Naughty Dog loses two lead developers to Infinity Ward

Looks likes two more Naughty Dog employees have left the Uncharted studio.

The studio's lead narrative designer Taylor Kurosaki and lead game designer Jacob Minkoff have both taken positions with Call of Duty developer Infinity Ward.

"Very psyched to share that I've joined the phenomenal team at Infinity Ward as the studio's narrative director," Kurosaki tweeted. "To infinity and beyond."

"New job! Design Director at Infinity Ward. Love ND; can't wait to play Uncharted 4 as a fan. Excited to work with the talented team at IW!," tweeted Minkoff.

Kurosaki was the cinematic production lead for Uncharted 3 and editor on Uncharted 2 while Minkoff was lead designer for The Last of Us and Uncharted 3.

Since March 2014, Naughty Dog has lost Uncharted 4 director Justin Richmond, writer Amy Hennig, lead artist Nate Wells, The Last of Us lead character artist Michael Knowland, and Uncharted 4 actor Todd Stashwick.

Thanks, GI International.

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