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A team made up of fans is making Mother 4

No, this isn't an official Mother sequel, but rather a fan-made addition to the iconic series is being worked on and is slated for release later this year.


Rather than waiting for Nintendo to make a sequel to Mother (Earthbound), a small team made up of fans of the original, are taking matters into their own hands by making a sequel to the highly-regarded RPG.

Mother 4, as they're calling, is coming later this year to PC, Mac and Linux for free. It will be in English only, with support for translations, possibly to be added later by fans.

The team wants to stay as true as possible to the art style and spirit of the original games, for instance there will be connections to the previous games and you'll be able to name your party.

The team says they're not affiliated in any way with Nintendo and are only volunteering for the effort.

A short trailer has also been posted by the team, we've got it for your below:

If you're interested to know more you can head to the official website.

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