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Mortal Kombat movie shooting for R rating, will feature Fatalities

The upcoming Mortal Kombat movie reboot will be an R-rated picture.

What's more, screenwriter Greg Russo confirmed that the series' iconic Fatality finishing moves will be seen in the upcoming Mortal Kombat movie, though Russo didn't hint as to which of the many Fatalities will be filmed.

Russo revealed these details on Twitter, telling fans that he wanted to put rumours to bed.

The movie does not yet have a full title, but we do know production has officially kicked off. It's produced by Fast 7 and Aquaman's James Wan, and set for release in March 2021.

Although the original Mortal Kombat movie is beloved, most of its action scenes were tame as a result of the PG-13 rating. Mortal Kombat is a violent, absurdly bloody series, so hopefully going for an R rating means - at the very least - the fights will be authentic to the games.

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