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Molyneux may show "politically contentious" game at GDC 09

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According to this Kikizo report, Peter Molyneux said in London last night that he may show his next game at GDC next year.

From the piece:

However, he said that Microsoft was cautious about showing it so soon: "Everyone at Microsoft who's seen it is super excited about it - I mean there's just this huge anticipation for us to finally show it, because it is so unbelievably ambitious", he said.

But he told us that Microsoft wants to "shock and awe" the games industry when it's shown for the first time, which could mean the unveiling takes a bit longer to polish and get ready. It visibly troubles Peter not to elaborate, but at the end of the day it's Microsoft's say on when and how it gets shown.

He also told us the game will receive major attention when it's finally shown, not just for its innovation ("there's nothing else remotely like it ever before"), but because it's seriously controversial: "Especially with the current timing, this will be really, politically contentious", he told us.

More through there.

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