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Mojang will consider free-to-play for Scrolls if player numbers don't grow

Mojang's collectible card game Scrolls could end up going to free-to-play if sales don't pick up soon. The game has been in paid beta since June, where it quickly racked up 100,000 sales. However since July it has only managed 10,000 sales, with around three or four thousand players a day.

In an interview with Mojang co-founder Jakob Porser said "We do not close [the door] for making Scrolls a free game in the future if that's what is needed to attract more players. That is how most other collectible card games work today, it may have already become such a standard that it's hard for us to break."

"That Scrolls would sell a lot less than Minecraft has always been obvious," Porser said. "You can't ever compare them. I am happy with the amount of gamers we have right now."

Headlines are currently being stolen by Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, which will utilise a free-to-play model when it launches. Mojang is currently working to improve Scrolls' single player mode and on a version for mobile devices.

How would you feel about Scrolls going F2P.


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