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Microsoft to name new CEO by year's end, sources reveal list of candidates - report

Microsoft's search for Steve Ballmer's eventual replacement is ongoing as you read this. The company is expected to name a new CEO before the year is through, according to a new report.

Bloomberg reports that sources close to the matter feel that Microsoft will announce Ballmer's successor before year's end, and that the board is now holding preliminary interviews to narrow down the candidates.

Two sources have suggested that eBay CEO John Donahoe is in the frame, as well as former Cisco Systems executive Charles Giancarlo. They also backed up our recent news that Ford CEO Alan Mulally is up for consideration.

Former Nokia CEO Stephen Elop is also in the running, but will become part of Microsoft anyway once the company's $7.2 billion acquisition of the mobile manufacturer is complete. CEO of cloud company Pivotal Paul Maritz and Microsoft business development and evangelism chief Tony Bates are also said to have applied for the role.

Sources added that the timing of the CEO reveal is depended on thrashing out a compensation deal for the position, as well as their plans for leaving their current roles.

It comes as reports suggest that Microsoft shareholders have rallied to force Bill Gates into retirement.

What's your take on the matter?

Via Polygon.

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